(( [INFO] Police Commands ))

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Police Department
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(( [INFO] Police Commands ))

Post by SAPD »

San Andreas Police
Community Affairs
Central Station
Pershing Square
Los Santos, SA 90014
  • /tg - Provides you with the standard duty equipment.
  • /r - Radio communication between law enforcement agencies.
  • /dep - Radio communication between other government agencies.
  • /callsign - Places a callsign visible in your radio transmissions.
  • /carsign - Places a carsign visible at the back of your vehicle.
  • /su - Adds a charge to a certain person.
  • /cuff - Applies handcuffs on an individual (they have to be on the ground or have their hands up).
  • /uncuff - Removes handcuffs from an individual.
  • /jail - Jails a suspect, time is based on the amount of charges (max 15 minutes).
  • /fine - Issues a traffic ticket to a driver.
  • /finevehicle - Issues a traffic ticket on a vehicle.
  • /mdc - Police mobile data center, contains multiple functions.
  • /bagbody - Places a dead body in a body bag.
  • /carrybody - Carries a dead body that has been placed in a body bag.
  • /dropbody - Drops the dead body that you're carrying.
  • /mycopban - Shows your suspension duration along with the reason.
  • /lockitem - Stores confiscated and/or illegal items in the locker of the station.
  • /inspect - Inspects the dead body and reveals information regarding his death (damages, time, name of the victim, and possibly the name of the killer).
  • /panic - Presses the panic button. Every unit is alerted of your location and you are marked with a hospital icon on their minimap.
  • /frisk - Views an individual's inventory (they have to be on the ground, have their hands up, or handcuffed).
  • /heroin empty - Clears the bowl in a heroin shack.
  • /spikes [near a cruiser] - Places a spike strip, it spawns at where you're facing and your character will be in the middle of the strip.
  • /removemyspikes - Removes the spike strips you placed.
  • /taser - Equips yourself with a taser.
  • /beanbag - Equips yourself with a beanbag shotgun near a cruiser, however, the trunk must be open.
  • /barrier - Gives you access to certain barriers to place in situations, can be used for roleplay or situations.
  • /radar - Places a speed radar, you must add 10-20km/h above the speed limits.
  • /rack - Allows you to equip yourself with the necessary equipment during any situation or when needed.
  • /equip - Equips others or yourself with certain weapons or items.
  • /trace - Traces an individual by specifying their phone number.
  • /unequip - Puts a specific weapon back into the lockers.
  • /radars - Shows an oversight of how many radars are set and where.
  • /seize - Confiscates any item on an individual, you must only confiscate illegal items within the limits provided by law. You also must frisk the suspect first script wise before seizing.
  • /locktoll - Locks and unlocks tolls, you must open them immediately if the suspect drives away.
  • /toggletoll - Opens a toll for an indefinite time, you must close it after usage. Failure to do so will result in punishments.
  • /unsu - Removes a specific active charge from an individual.
  • /unsuall - Removes all active charges from an individual.
  • /unjail - Takes someone out of the cells, releasing them.
  • /groupinvite - Invites an individual to the SAPD group.
  • /ralert - Sends a radio alert transmission over the radio communications.
  • /copban - Suspends an individual from police duty due to misconduct.
  • /copunban - Lifts the suspension of an individual who had an active suspension.
  • /sb - Shows your badge while on undercover duty, your name would appear blue.
  • /grouprank - Manages the rank of a specific officer.
  • /grouporank - Manages the rank of a specific offline officer.
  • /groupkick - Kicks a specific officer from the SAPD group.
  • /groupokick - Kicks a specific offline officer from the SAPD group.
  • /ucrights - Gives a specific officer undercover rights.
  • /uclist - Shows every officer that has undercover rights.
  • /permit - Issues a specific permit to an officer.