San Andreas Police
Community Affairs

Central Station
Pershing Square
Los Santos, SA 90014
Vehicles impounded are mainly violating a subtitle in the traffic laws title within the public security code.
I. Illegal Parking: A vehicle that's illegally parked is to be impounded if it's obstructing access to a building, road, intersection, sidewalk or driveway.
II. Usage of Neon: A vehicle that's using neon lights may only be impounded if it has both red & blue neon lights attached to it on a public road.
III. Reckless Driving: A vehicle's driver that's driving recklessly may only have their vehicle impounded if the offense is repetitive or if the violation results in injury to pedestrians.
IV. Failure to Yield: A vehicle that gets in the way of a police cruiser that has lights & sirens on or if the said vehicle fails to yield upon an officer's request.
V. Driving Under Influence: If a driver is found under the influence of alcohol or any other substance(s) their vehicle is to be impounded.
VI. Driving Without Lights If a driver is driving between the timeframe of 18:00 & 8:00 or during a rainfall or heavy foggy weather their vehicle is to be impounded.
VII. Driving Under Distraction: If a driver is found using their phone or performing any other distracting activity while driving their vehicle is to be impounded.
VIII. Repetitive Offenders: If a driver was issued three consecutive fine for traffic violations in a period under 72 hours their vehicle is to be impounded & if a driver was found committing another traffic offense within 72 hours after the first impoundment time's over their vehicle is to be impounded again.
II. Usage of Neon: A vehicle that's using neon lights may only be impounded if it has both red & blue neon lights attached to it on a public road.
III. Reckless Driving: A vehicle's driver that's driving recklessly may only have their vehicle impounded if the offense is repetitive or if the violation results in injury to pedestrians.
IV. Failure to Yield: A vehicle that gets in the way of a police cruiser that has lights & sirens on or if the said vehicle fails to yield upon an officer's request.
V. Driving Under Influence: If a driver is found under the influence of alcohol or any other substance(s) their vehicle is to be impounded.
VI. Driving Without Lights If a driver is driving between the timeframe of 18:00 & 8:00 or during a rainfall or heavy foggy weather their vehicle is to be impounded.
VII. Driving Under Distraction: If a driver is found using their phone or performing any other distracting activity while driving their vehicle is to be impounded.
VIII. Repetitive Offenders: If a driver was issued three consecutive fine for traffic violations in a period under 72 hours their vehicle is to be impounded & if a driver was found committing another traffic offense within 72 hours after the first impoundment time's over their vehicle is to be impounded again.
I. Illegal Parking: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Illegal Parking there's no hour-restriction to be added unless the vehicle's been somewhat intentionally used to assist in a riot (i.e: block roads & whatsoever) & in which case the vehicle gets impounded for 3 hours.
II. Usage of Neon: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Usage of Neon there's no hour-restriction to be added which means you can put in whichever amount of hours depending on offense severity.
III. Reckless Driving: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Reckless Driving & the vehicle is owned by a player that's level 0 to level 5 there'll be no hour restriction, if vehicle's owned by a player that's level 6 to level 15 then the vehicle should be impounded for 1 hour & if the player that owns the vehicle is level 15 or above their vehicle is to be impounded for 3 hours unless it's a repetitive offense & in which case it may be impounded for up to 5 hours.
IV. Failure to Yield: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Failure to Yield & the vehicle is owned by a player that's level 0 to level 5 there'll be no hour restriction, if vehicle's owned by a player that's level 6 to level 15 then the vehicle should be impounded for 3 hours & up to 5 hours if offense is repetitive & if the player that owns the vehicle is level 15 or above their vehicle is to be impounded for 24 hours unless their past violations record of 2 weeks is clean, in which case the vehicle gets impounded for only 3 hours.
V. Driving Under Influence: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Driving Under Influence there's no hour-restriction to be added which means you can put in whichever amount of hours depending on offense severity.
VI. Driving Under Distraction/Driving Without Lights: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Driving Under Distraction or Driving Without Lights there's no hour-restriction to be added unless the player is above level 5 & in which case the hour restriction is 1.
II. Usage of Neon: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Usage of Neon there's no hour-restriction to be added which means you can put in whichever amount of hours depending on offense severity.
III. Reckless Driving: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Reckless Driving & the vehicle is owned by a player that's level 0 to level 5 there'll be no hour restriction, if vehicle's owned by a player that's level 6 to level 15 then the vehicle should be impounded for 1 hour & if the player that owns the vehicle is level 15 or above their vehicle is to be impounded for 3 hours unless it's a repetitive offense & in which case it may be impounded for up to 5 hours.
IV. Failure to Yield: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Failure to Yield & the vehicle is owned by a player that's level 0 to level 5 there'll be no hour restriction, if vehicle's owned by a player that's level 6 to level 15 then the vehicle should be impounded for 3 hours & up to 5 hours if offense is repetitive & if the player that owns the vehicle is level 15 or above their vehicle is to be impounded for 24 hours unless their past violations record of 2 weeks is clean, in which case the vehicle gets impounded for only 3 hours.
V. Driving Under Influence: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Driving Under Influence there's no hour-restriction to be added which means you can put in whichever amount of hours depending on offense severity.
VI. Driving Under Distraction/Driving Without Lights: If a vehicle is to be impounded for Driving Under Distraction or Driving Without Lights there's no hour-restriction to be added unless the player is above level 5 & in which case the hour restriction is 1.